If you have noticed an error with an order that's been placed, please contact our Customer Service Team as soon as possible on 1300 304 505 with the details so that we can correct the error. Our customer service team are on standby Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm (AEDT).
Although we cannot guarantee that all requests for amendments or cancellations can be fulfilled, we will strive to amend an order and/or provide you with a refund in full as long as your order has not left the fulfilment facilities.
Unfortunately, for orders that have left the fulfilment facilities, the only way we can accept a refund or amendment is for you to return your order to a local Harris Scarfe store.
Once the order has left our fulfilment facilities, we cannot refund delivery costs except when Harris Scarfe is at fault or if the product is faulty or not as described.